Friday, 18 September 2015

NAPA Annual Exhibition 2015

2015 National Acrylic Painters Association exhibition held at the Crypt Gallery, St. Ives. Saturday, August  29th until Saturday 12th September. The show featured 34 artists and displayed  134 paintings across a wide range of themes and approaches.

 My own contribution consisted of 4 pieces painted on Kevlar sail, again using a backdrop of a  relevant section of Admiralty chart to link in to the subject matter.

 The titles listed were;-

The Breakwater Fort        1060 x    900cms
Tinside Beacon                  1060 x   760cms
The  Lizard                          760  x    605cms
Rame Head                         760  x   605cms

The work  drew a great deal of intrigue from the viewing  public and sufficiently arrested the attention of the adjudicator to award a prize for Highly Commended Contemporary Painting.

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